
Guest Blog Posts

Your Broken Is Beautiful by Amber Ginter

Your Broken Is Beautiful by Amber Ginter

I used to believe the lie that I had to have everything together before I was capable of helping others. As a teen, this wasn’t a huge issue. Hosting events, volunteering, and serving were synonymous with my last name. I didn’t realize how broken, fragmented, and crazy my life would get over the next decade. By the time I graduated college, I felt utterly worthless. Getting diagnosed with 10+ mental and physical health conditions right out of school will do that to you. I’d always grown up around chaos and anxiety, but now the turmoil was within.

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Honoring Love Through Grief by Dawn Sanders

Honoring Love Through Grief by Dawn Sanders

As I listened to her words, I couldn’t help but empathize. A widow myself, I know the feeling of helplessness that accompanies the loss of a loved one. It’s a devastating blow that leaves us searching for answers, desperately pleading with God to make sense of the nonsensical. Observing Kai’s mounting frustration transported me back to the days of my grief and confusion following the unexpected and inexplicable passing of my husband in 2011. Despite the limited time remaining in the event, I felt compelled to offer her my perspective.

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Spiritual Children by Leslie Schonfeld

Spiritual Children by Leslie Schonfeld

As I walked through the door, the fragrance of my favorite beverage, coffee, greeted me. Beckoning me to the counter, I ordered that brew of the day, black. Although way too hot, I took a tentative sip, tempted by the rich burst of flavor to fill my mouth. I risked the scalding from that first taste. Grasping my cup, I searched the room for the familiar face I would meet today. The room buzzed with multiple conversations. Over in the corner, I saw her perched on a stool. Her youthful face lit up with a smile, and she beckoned me to join her.

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Four Biblical Kids Who Your Kids Will Love by Caroline Saunders

Four Biblical Kids Who Your Kids Will Love by Caroline Saunders

Did you know that the Bible is full of kids? In a world where people tend to look down upon kids, it’s exciting for our kids (and for grownups who still feel a lot like kids) to realize how much God loves kids. In fact, God loves to use small people to accomplish His big plan—so much so that God Himself came as a kid to make the way for anyone who looks to Him to become a child of God.

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